Airtel Minute Offer: 7 days, 15 days, 30 days special pack

Today, we will discuss Airtel minute offers 2025, which are available for 7 days, 15 days, and 30 days. Read this article to learn more about these offers and choose the right package that fits your needs.

Airtel Minute Offer is a special voice call package that allows customers to talk at affordable rates for a specific period. These offers are designed for 7 days, 15 days, and 30 days so that customers can choose the package according to their needs.

With these offers, you can talk cheaply on the Airtel network and other operators.

Airtel Minute Offer 2025

In 2025, Airtel will continue revolutionizing mobile communication with attractive minute offers. Catering to various needs, these offers provide seamless connectivity without breaking the bank. Below is a list of Airtel latest minute offers:

MinutesPrice (BDT)ValidityDial Code
20 Minute19 Taka48 hours*121*19#
44 Minute28 Taka48 hours*121*28#
50 Minute42 Taka4 days*121*042#
75 Minute57 Taka4 days*121*57#
110 Minute78 Taka5 days*121*78#
  • Dial *121*19# for 20 minutes for 19 taka, valid for 48 hours.
  • Dial *121*28# for 44 minutes for 28 taka, valid for 48 hours.
  • Dial *121*042# for 50 minutes for 42 taka, valid for 4 days.
  • Dial *121*57# for 75 minutes for 57 taka, valid for 4 days.
  • Dial *121*78# for 110 minutes for 78 taka, valid for 5 days.

Airtel Minute Offer – 7 days

Airtel 7-day-minute offer is suitable for short-term users. This package is active for 7 days, and you can use a certain number of minutes during this period.

MinutesPrice (BDT)ValidityDial Code
130 Minute97 Taka7 days*121*097#
150 Minute107 Taka7 days*123*0107#
190 Minute129 Taka7 days*121*129#
220 Minute139 Taka7 days*121*139#
  • 130 minutes for 97 taka, validity 7 days, dial *121*097#.
  • 150 minutes for 107 taka, validity 7 days, dial *123*0107#.
  • 190 minutes for 129 taka, validity 7 days, dial *121*129#.
  • 220 minutes for 139 taka, validity 7 days, dial *121*139#.

Airtel 30 days minute offer

These Airtel packages are for those who want to make more calls throughout the month and are looking for an opportunity to talk at affordable rates for an extended period.

The Airtel 30-day minutes offer is suitable for long-term users. This package is valid for one month and includes maximum minutes.

MinutesPrice (BDT)ValidityDial Code
250 Minute209 Taka30 days*121*0209#
500 Minute319 Taka30 daysRecharge 319 Taka
650 Minute409 Taka30 days*121*409#
800 Minute509 Taka30 days*121*509#
  • 250 minutes for 209 taka, validity 30 days, dial *121*0209#.
  • 500 minutes for 319 taka, validity 30 days, recharge 319 taka.
  • 650 minutes for 409 taka, validity 30 days, dial *121*409#.
  • 800 minutes for 509 taka, validity 30 days, dial *121*509#.

Whether you are a heavy minute user or want the peace of mind of enough talk time, the Airtel Minute Pack for 30 days has you covered.

Airtel Minute Offer Code 2025

Airtel Minute Offer Code 2025

Airtel offers a wide range of offers, including minutes, prices, validity periods, and dial codes.

These offers are designed for a wide range of users, from those looking for short-term, low-cost plans to those looking for long-term, high-minute packages.

Minute OfferPrice (BDT)ValidityDial Code
12 minutes8 Taka2 days*121*08#
28 minutes18 Taka2 days*121*18#
46 minutes28 Taka2 days*121*28#
85 minutes53 Taka7 days*121*53#
130 minutes78 Taka7 days*121*078#
178 minutes107 Taka7 days*123*0107#
190 minutes118 Taka15 days*121*0118#
235 minutes157 Taka30 days*123*0157#
340 minutes207 Taka30 days*123*0207#
460 minutes298 Taka30 days*123*0298#
510 minutes307 Taka30 days*121*307#
1065 minutes639 Taka30 days*121*639#
  • For users needing minimal usage, the 12-minute plan for just 8 Taka with a validity of 2 days is an excellent choice. Similarly, the 28-minute plan for 18 Taka and the 46-minute plan for 28 Taka are perfect for light users.
  • If you need more minutes for a week, the 85-minute plan for 53 Taka and the 130-minute plan for 78 Taka are great options. These plans are ideal for moderate users who want to balance affordability and usage.
  • For heavy users, the 178-minute plan for 107 Taka and the 190-minute plan for 118 Taka (with a 15-day validity period) provide ample minutes at reasonable prices.
  • Users looking for extended validity can opt for the 235-minute plan for 157 Taka, the 340-minute plan for 207 Taka, or the 460-minute plan for 298 Taka, all valid for 30 days. These plans are perfect for those who want uninterrupted service for a month.
  • For extremely high usage, the 510-minute plan for 307 Taka and the 1065-minute plan for 639 Taka (valid for 30 days) are the best choices. These plans are tailored for users who rely heavily on mobile communication.

We have highlighted the Airtel minute offers of 2025 here and collected all the offers from Airtel official website. You can verify their authenticity if you want.

Airtel Minute Offer-Terms

  • To check your balance, dial *778*0#
  • The recharged amount will not be added to the customer’s main account.
  • The bundle price includes VAT, supplementary duty, and surcharge.
  • The unused minutes will be added to the next pack if the same pack is purchased again before the expiry date.
  • Once the validity period has expired, the unused minutes cannot be used again.

Our final words

Friends! In today’s article, we have shown you the latest Airtel minute offers and how you can buy them. After reading the article, I hope you can choose a good minute offer for yourself.

If you like the article, you can share it with your friends and read our other articles. Also, if you have difficulty understanding anything, please let us know by commenting in the comment box below.

Learn more: bKash Recharge Offer 2025 – All SIM Operators

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I am Faizul Karim, Founder of Faizul Softonic. On this site, I share various technology information.

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